What Are the Advantages of Sedation Dentistry for the People of Centennial

What Are the Advantages of Sedation Dentistry for the People of Centennial

What Are the Advantages of Sedation Dentistry for the People of Centennial


Living in Centennial will offer you countless recreational establishments where you will meet different people. This is the reason you need to have an always-ready smile whenever you stroll on the streets of Centennial. But, it is embarrassing to smile if you have dental imperfections that you cannot correct because of your dental phobia.

There are many people who want to maintain their oral health; however, fear gets the best of them. It is easy to plan to visit a dentist, but when the check-up is about to happen, dental phobia occurs. It may not sound as bad as it is, but dental anxiety can bring about catastrophic problems to your oral health. Although not all dental procedures are painful, some people shiver at the mere thought of laying in a dental chair. For this reason, painless dental procedures are now accessible through sedation dentistry.

How Is Sedation Dentistry Done?

Sedation dentistry is the use of prescription drugs that induce calmness so that a dentist can perform the dental procedure that he or she needs. Unlike general anesthesia that renders a patient completely unconscious, the prescription drugs used for sedation dentistry only calm and relax a patient without making them sleep. To put it simply, sedation dentistry is the painless way to receive a dental procedure. 


There are three types of sedative processes during this type of dental procedure. The first sedative process is done through nitrous oxide or laughing gas. During this process, you breathe in a combination of nitrous oxide and oxygen through a mask placed over your nose. The gas helps you relax as your dentist does the dental procedure that you need. This type of sedation tends to wear off quickly.


On the other hand, oral sedation involves taking a pill before your dental appointment. An hour or so before your dentist performs any procedure, you will have to take the pill and wait for its effect. Oral sedatives like diazepam make patients feel relaxed during a dental procedure. In this sedation process, the patient is awake but less anxious and may feel a little sleepy during the procedure.


Intravenous or IV sedation is another process of calming a patient. IV sedation can cause varying stages of consciousness. Also known as general anesthesia, this process will put you into a deep sleep until it wears off. However, some IV sedation can put you into "twilight sleep" where you are sleepy, less aware of your surroundings, and might not remember much of the procedure once it is over. 


People who undergo this type of dental procedure are induced with sedatives to calm them before getting the dental procedure done. 

What Are the Advantages of Sedation Dentistry?

Your oral health is something that you should prioritize and take care of. If you have dental anxiety, then sedation is what you need so that you can get through dental procedures. Regardless of the type of sedation that you receive, sedation can bring numerous advantages to your oral health.

Here are the benefits that sedation dentistry can bring to the people of Centennial:

Comfort during dental procedures

There are people who have sensitive gums. This factor contributes to a more painful dental process. You can avoid this pain by switching to sedation or sleep dentistry, as you will be sedated enough to be unaware of the whole treatment. Additionally, you will wake up feeling rested after the treatment. You will have little to no memory of the procedure that your dentist performed. Furthermore, since your dentist does not have to deal with your anxiety, he will be able to complete the dental process faster.

Better dental health


A lot of people are unaware that their dental health has a significant impact on their overall health. Individuals who have dental phobia sacrifice their oral health so that they will not have to face their fears. For this reason, more serious dental issues occur. Through sedation, people who are anxious about dental processes can receive the treatment that they need without feeling any pain and fear. 

Pain-free dental procedures


People who are afraid of dentists often anticipate that dental procedures will hurt. Just the mere thought of injections make them back out whenever they plan to have a dental procedure. With sedation dentistry, these injections are still done. However, it will only be done after you are sedated. Through this process, you will not feel the pain of having your gums pricked by a syringe. 

If you want a painless way of maintaining your oral health, then head to Centennial’s Rippe Dental Associates. Our professionals can help you have healthy teeth while helping you handle your fear. For more details, you can reach us at http://bit.ly/2YTMH6M. You can also call us at 303-779-9876