Relax With The Benefit Of Oral Conscious Sedation

Relax With The Benefit Of Oral Conscious Sedation

Relax With The Benefit Of Oral Conscious Sedation


That shot of Novocaine that the dentist gives you before the procedure begins may well block any pain that you could possibly feel but it doesn’t stop you from thinking, “what if he didn’t give me enough?” or “will it wear off too soon?” If only something could suppress your thoughts as well as the Novocaine did your physical discomfort.

Oral conscious sedation may be the answer. You will simply take a pill an hour or so before your dental appointment that will relax you to the point of being totally oblivious as to what is going on around you. Some people have a higher tolerance to medication than others so your dentist will wait until it has taken full effect before he starts the restoration.

One of the benefits of oral conscious sedation is as the description implies, that you will be awake throughout the entire procedure. Your dentist can ask you questions or give you instructions and you will be able to respond accordingly. Even though they were receptive during the treatment many patients have reported having no memory of what went on while they were sedated.

Oral sedation can be a godsend for people who have allowed their fear of having a dental procedure to stop them from maintaining good dental health. So don’t put it off any longer, get the treatment you need while you relax with the help of oral conscious sedation. Call Rippe Dental Associates @ 303-779-9876 in Centennial, CO. today.