Let Go Of That Anxiety

Let Go Of That Anxiety

Let Go Of That Anxiety


Relaxation is not a word that you would normally associate with a visit to your dentist. Oral sedation dentistry however, has made it possible to be totally relaxed and at ease during your entire dental procedure.

Oral sedation is a form of conscious sedation dentistry. The goal of oral sedation is to relieve the anxiety that comes with the fear of impending pain or discomfort. If you have experienced a painful dental procedure in the past or even if you have heard someone’s version of the same you will naturally be apprehensive about an upcoming treatment. An oral medication can remove all those misgivings and replace them with a feeling of complete tranquility.

All pharmaceutical products that are used for oral sedation are tried and tested before they are approved. Nonetheless, it is important to avoid any kind of unhealthy interaction with another drug. Be sure to provide your dentist with a list of medications that you are taking whether they be prescribed or over the counter, include dosages and note how many times a day you take each medication.

Even what you eat and drink can influence the effect of some oral sedation medications. Your dentist will let you know well ahead of time if there are certain foods you should avoid.

Talk to Dr. Rippe of Rippe Dental Associates about the many benefits of oral sedation. Don’t put off a treatment that can help to maintain your oral health. Call the office today @ 303-779-9876.