Here’s To Your Dental Health

Here’s To Your Dental Health

Here’s To Your Dental Health


Water is a compound mixture of one part oxygen and two parts hydrogen and is essential to our overall good health as it carries nutrients to all parts of the body, helps to eliminate waste products and improves muscle tone. The fact that most community drinking water sources contain fluoride contributes to the fight against tooth decay, especially among our children. Studies have shown a definite decline in cavities among those who are exposed to a fluoridated water supply compared to those who are not.

There are plenty of beverages to choose from and some may be tempting but the fact remains that none of them are better for your dental health than water. Juices and sodas for instance, contain a lot of sugar and when that sugar hits your mouth it mixes with the bacteria that is lurking there to produce the acids that damage the enamel of your teeth. Water is sugar and acid free and helps to rinse away food particles before harmful bacteria can be generated.

The trend toward bottled water has made it more convenient than ever and that’s a good thing, but plain tap water may be the better choice as far as your teeth are concerned. Most bottled water contains little to no fluoride but there are brands that are higher in fluoride content than others. Always check the labels before you choose.

Make Rippe Dental Associates the dental home for your entire family. Call the office @ 303-779-9876 for your appointment.